🎮Agnosia Guide
Learn how to connect to and play Agnosia, a fully on-chain card game
Last updated
Learn how to connect to and play Agnosia, a fully on-chain card game
Last updated
© 2023 Team3D
In order to play, connect to Agnosia (https://agnosia.gg) while logged into Metamask on Arbitrum One.
Once connected, click "Enter" to open the game.
You can bridge from Ethereum to Arbitrum One using the official bridge: https://bridge.arbitrum.io/?destinationChain=ethereum&sourceChain=arbitrum-one
How to play
Agnosia is fully on-chain card game played on a three-by-three (3x3) square grid. Each card has four numbers (known as ranks) placed in the top left corner; each number corresponds to one of the four sides of the card. The ranks range from one to ten, with the letter A representing ten.
In a basic game, each player has five cards. The game creator gets the first move and may choose a card from their hand to play anywhere on the grid. After the first card is played, the opponent may play a card on any unoccupied space on the board. The game continues with players' turns alternating.
To win, a majority of the total ten cards played (including the one card that is not placed on the board) must be of the player's card color. To capture a card, the active player places a card adjacent to the opponent's card. If the rank touching the opponent's card is higher, the opponent's card will be captured and flipped into the active player's color. A card can be placed on any open spot on the board. The player who goes second will have a card remaining in their hand and that card will count towards their ending score. Each player may play one card per turn.
A draw occurs if at the end should the player and the opponent possess equal numbers of cards of their color. The winner takes one or more of the loser's cards, depending on the trade rules in effect.
There are a total of ten card levels, each consisting of eleven unique cards. Players can redeem seven random level one cards from the Starter Pack. To acquire higher level cards a player needs to burn one of each of the previous level cards via the Ascend function. Ascending eleven cards of the previous level grants the player one random card from the next level.
Additional game rules
Same: When a card is placed touching two or more other cards (one or both of them have to be the opposite color), and the touching sides of each card are the same (8 touching 8 for example), then the other two cards are flipped.
Plus: Similar to the Same rule. When one card is placed touching two others and the ranks touching the cards plus the opposing rank equal the same sum, then both cards are captured.
Trade rules
One: Winner chooses one card from loser.
Diff (Difference): Winner chooses one card per score difference (2, 4, or 5).
Direct: Players take cards that are their color at the end of the game (even when in Draw).
All: Winner takes all.
Game forfeit
A game forfeit happens when either player hasn't made a move for the forfeit time specified by the match creator. At this point the player who moved last can finalize the game and take all of the other player's cards as reward.
Practice mode
Play on your own to get a better grasp of the game without the risk of losing cards.
Playback mode
Spectate any completed match, play-by-play, through its ID number.
Advanced settings
By clicking [options] underneath the active hand panel on the play tab before creating a match, you will be presented with a series of match settings to choose from.
The Forfeit time slider can be adjusted to determine how long it takes for an inactive player to forfeit a joined match.
The Level range slider determines the permissible difference in card levels between the creator and prospective joiner, with 0% being the most restrictive, and 100% allowing a joiner with cards of any level to enter the match.
The Friend input field permits the creation of private matches by only allowing a user connected with the specified address to join the match.